The European Space Agency is one of the most relevant Customers of RSS.
RSS works closely with ESA on a daily basis to support on the ESA Academy located in Galaxia in the areas of STEM, Training Learning Program and Cubesat Test Facilities operations.
As part of the operations of the Redu Centre on behalf of ESA, RSS operated different critical Missions for ESA such as ARTEMIS Mission Operation Centre, Proba satellite Missions including the Satellite Operations Centre and Mission Operations Centre, and hosted back-up Centres for several Missions. Furthermore RSS played a pivotal role supporting ATV Missions.
In terms of IOT activities, RSS is in charge of operating and maintaining an IOT dedicated infrastructure that is used to support as well commercial customers, satellite operators and manufacturers, in their IOT campaigns to test the performances of payloads.
RSS services to involve our engineering, IT and maintenance teams capable not only to operate the infrastructure and react 24/7 but also to maintain the related systems covering procedures from preventive to corrective.
RSS maintains a set of operational centres as described above and tens of antennas in L, S, C, Ku, Ka frequency bands, ranging from full motion to fixed antennas.