Redu Space Services is a very dynamic company in the space sector, highly specialized in space programmes that involve the operation and delivery of advanced satellite communication systems and services with a strong focus on their customization.
RSS employees’ have been working for the European Space Agency (ESA), institutional and commercial Customers in the space sector for many years. Based on this relevant experience, our company strategy is focused on key areas in which our knowledge sets us apart from the market and can help our customers in their daily operations and in the development of new solutions and services to meet their stringent challenges.
In addition, in April 2014 the ESA ESEC in Redu became an EU Critical Infrastructure, which makes Redu an ideal location when critical services in the Security and Safety domains are required.
The development of new solutions imposes several new challenges as the market demands very competitive solutions. This is why our company keeps a continuous involvement in ESA and EUSPA initiatives, carrying out an important innovation activity to keep the knowledge at the forefront of the sector.
Hence, our strategy is to leverage our services on:
The main areas of work related to our strategy are: